This is a map of my current trip --

This map shows my current location as well as where I have been. Enjoy. --- Well, here I go again. Where will I possibly end up? Hope you enjoy following me .... Check back often.

May 13, 2018

So today we are right in the middle of Bask wine country. Tomorrow we were told that we will be riding right along the "divide". Like our continental divide, water that lands on one side of the line flows into the Atlantic, and water that lands on the other side flows to the Mediterranean. So, during the presentation, a lady pops up and asks if there will be a place to pee so she could know which side of the line she was on. Another lady then adds, that if both her shoes get wet, then she would be right on the line. Hmmmm, wondering what kind of a group I got myself into.  😁

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