This is a map of my current trip --

This map shows my current location as well as where I have been. Enjoy. --- Well, here I go again. Where will I possibly end up? Hope you enjoy following me .... Check back often.

At the top of this trip blog I listed the things I hoped to do before returning home. These were motobiking, bicycling, kayaking, flying, fishing, golfing, hiking, and camping. So far I'm doing ok with the list. Did some motorcycling in Oregon and last weekend Dean and I rode our motorcycles up to the Olympic National Forest and did a fairly rigorous hike. The trail switchbacked up at a 20% grade for a couple miles. That was enough to test out some muscles I haven't used for some time. Last week I kayaked around Port Ludlow with Delee and Allen (my neice and her husband). I have also been bicycling laps around the island. Each lap is about seven miles so a couple laps is enough to get a minimum of exercise, but not enough to balance all the great food I am consuming. Yesterday Dean and I flew his Bonanza up to Anacortes and back. Getting home just before the evening fog rolled in. So, as you can see, I'm making great progress checking off these activities. Much to Dean's dismay, I'll be moving eastward this weekend and spending some time in Walla Walla.

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