This is a map of my current trip --

This map shows my current location as well as where I have been. Enjoy. --- Well, here I go again. Where will I possibly end up? Hope you enjoy following me .... Check back often.

Cape Horn!

This is early In the season and a very remote part of the earth. We have not seen another boat since leaving Uruguay almost two weeks ago. So here we are at Cape Horn ready to make the last zodiac landing of the trip and guess what? The National Geographic Society is already here. We cannot land until they are gone due to limitations of the number of people at the site at any one time. So, we are going to circle the island until they leave. Then we will make our landing in the Zodiacs to the island where the lighthouse and the monument to the earlier explorers are. This will be a very tricky landing. A water landing with very slippery rocks under the water. When we get back to the ship, my internet will be gone for a few days so keep checking from time to time. I will post pictures as soon as I can. Thanks for following along with me on this adventure. 

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